Friday, December 12, 2008

..the New Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual

If you are a Makeup Artist, or any one who aspires to do makeup, this is one for the Collection.
Once again, Bobbi Brown has come out with another book called, Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual.
If you have had any of her makeup books Bobbi, is generous with her knowledge, and she is really inspiring. The cover actually really got me.. It's beautiful, and so girly.

Go pick up a copy, It's one for the read..

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual at SCS!

Kelley Epps-Woods


Anonymous said...

I need this!

faithdbrown said...

I just got mine from Costco for $17.39. Yay!

Kelley Woods Makeup said...

Wow Faith..That's a steal..!

I hope everyone else see's this...

Faith you always finding a deal;)


faithbmakeup said...

I'm trying! Times are hard!

I need to start posting under this identity. You know, for my re-launch, lol.