Topic & Question: Oily Skin
"I have a question that I hope you can answer or give me some insight.
I have extremely oily skin. It do not have acne. What can I do so my make up does not look like I have grease on my face. Please advise. "
Thank You,
Thank You,
The best thing for women with or without oily skin is a primer. Primers are great to smooth fine lines and wrinkles as well as prepare a smooth canvas for Foundation. However, in the case of oily skin, a primer with oil control would be perfect. What I use and still use for my clients that I found that works magic, with no oily breakthrough during the day is Iman Cosmetics Under Cover Agent Oil Control Primer. It is amazing. And even better you can find it at your local Target, or Walmart. If you are not using an oil free foundation, and need oil control this is the perfect Primer... Hope this helps!
I'll ask my question, when I figure out my skin type...LOL
well i consider myself combo..but I have found now I get oily by the days end..so this would be really great for combo skin, in the tzone, chin and around the nose area...
girl you reco'd this to me back at the artist summit. i bought it and have yet to use. wait til you see all my greasy a$$ pics from the la makeup show. why dont i listen :)
i swear i'm going to use this soon!
Lol..i remember!..
Girl break it out..it so works and is the best primer..
imma call the p.o on you for your shine?!...lol
can't wait to see your pics
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