Now I saw this some time ago, and wondered when it was gonna launch.. Well I hear it's soon! Naked Honey will be launching : June 11, 2009 (North America) and July 2009 (International) at MAC stores, counters and maccosmetics.com.
Please check the lipglass in 'She's a Star'.. How gorgeous...Can you say, staple in my kit! Oh yes..
omg! i cannot wait for this collection to come out...i want the body stuff more so than the makeup though...im a honey lover and the babybloom collection after...mac is just so hard on the wallet sometimes! oh and i got the black opal foundation stick and i really like it...a lot, what technique do u use to apply urs?
I heard the body stuff rawks!...
i can't wait either..I love alot of their more natural collections.. .
Oh cool.I still cannot fail with the stick.. I mostly use a foundation brush.however I may use a nonporous sponge and wet it and applly like that for a great even application..
It is beautiful..
Dermatologist Dr. Rivers from Vancouver has his new skincare line called Riversol. As a makeup artist I’ve tried so many products and after being referred to this line by the top film artist in Vancouver I am hooked! Fragrance free and formaldehyde free, I can use this simple line on men and women and not be afraid of allergic reactions! Thank you Dr. Rivers. www.riversol.com to order or get free samples
do u know if its going to be a permanent line? thanks for the email!
@ Avartsy..
Probably not... it took a couple of times to keep mac mineralize..
but im sure it depends on how it sales and the demand...
hope so though.. the stuff is gorgeous..
I'm a new follower of your blog..this collection looks amazing..can't wait i think it maybe one of the best so far
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