We have all dreaded that late night cleansing!.. There are several nights I reached for baby wipes in hopes of atleast getting part of the days grime off... Needless, I had to upgrade from baby wipes and get a little more sophisticated ;) lol... So, with that.. here are some of my favorite cleansing wipes and solutions, so you too will not reach for the baby wipes.. (Ha! I still secretly do sometimes... shhhhhh)
Thanks for the tips...sometimes I am so tired I don't even reach for the baby wipes...Yikes!
Ive been guilty a few times
My fav are Boots Wipes No.7
Girl try them!!!
I bought the Boots No 7 wipes last weekend and they are awsome. I used them yesterday on a shoot that I did and they worked like a dream to remove the makeup. Thanks for the product recommendation; my kit won't be without these.
Naomi..Yes I'm so glad you like them..
which reminds me I need to restock
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