Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lancôme's Ôscillation Vibrating Mascara Launches Today, Oct.22nd !!!

It's here!! Being the mascara junkie that I am, and for those who knows I can't be pulled away from my Dior Show Blackout, can't but help to be caught up by this vibrating mascara. Okay, so when did cosmetics become machines! Will it give me foot long lashes, or just body building volume?! I guess we'll see...

According to a celebrity makeup artist:The key to great results with Ôscillation is a certain application technique. They say apply in slow, straight and steady strokes.--Don’t zig-zag and don’t wiggle! and like any mascara please, don’t overpump the wand. There’s plenty of product on there for multiple coats.--If, at first you don’t succeed…don’t give up! Ôscillation takes a few tries to get the hang of it. Ôscillation is great for the lower lashes, so don’t forget to apply there.

Hmmm. Sounds like I don't need a manual, but I know it will take me a few tries to get it just right...
I look forward to hearing what you think!?

Lancome Oscillation Vibrating Mascara,

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